Florida Marriage License

To obtain a Marriage License in Florida, most couples go together in person to a Clerk of Court office in any county. Bring a picture ID such as a driver’s license, state ID card, or valid passport and both parties will also have to provide their Social Security numbers, but do not need to provide Social Security Cards. Fees vary by County – in Sarasota and Manatee counties, the cost of the license is $86 (+ 3.5% if by debit/credit card).

Florida marriage licenses are valid for 60 days from the effective date. The marriage ceremony must be performed between the effective date and the expiration date on the license. Out-of-State or out of the country residents are able to apply and have their ceremony performed the same day as the 3-day waiting period for those residing in Florida Law does not apply.

Skip the Trip to the Courthouse!
Contact us about using our Florida Marriage License by Mail option.

How To Receive Florida Marriage License By Mail

We’ll secure your marriage license prior to the wedding so you don’t have to!

We are Florida Clerk-of-Court-approved marriage license coordinators offering Marriage License via Mail – perfect for those coming to Florida for a destination wedding. Let us take care of applying for and getting your Florida Marriage License to you before your wedding.

  1. A 5-minute call to gather your information (941) 356-3492
  2. You and your fiancé/fiancée will still need to have a notary witness your signatures on the prelicense and you will sign a State of Florida form, both of which we will email to you. You will mail originals to us and we’ll have the Florida Marriage License ready and waiting for your wedding.