When unforeseen cyber events happen, how important is it to have the right people (Certified Computer Security Incident Handler-CSIH) or team (Computer Emergency Response Team-CERT or Computer Security Incident Response Team-CSIRT) to ensure incident response and handling materializes immediately? Extremely, most organizations would say. That is where being a certified CERT-CSIH comes into play. Such professionals are skilled in assessing risk levels and provide solutions to defend the network better against threats that might impact data and systems, as part of a business continuity response.
CSIH professionals might be working with or as part of a CSIRT and are involved in activities responsible for receiving, reviewing and responding to computer security incident reports and activities. This “security team” addresses sophisticated cyber threats before too much damage is caused to the business’ infrastructure and services. With the number of cybercrime-related events on the rise, especially through the Internet, it is important for businesses to employ IT practitioners that can competently fulfill a security role, as either an incident responder or handler. A CSIH candidate can demonstrate his or her knowledge and awareness on different phases of incident handling, which includes all the activities and processes for detecting, reporting, triaging, analyzing, and responding to computer security incidents.
“The CERT-CSIH certification program prepares computer security incident response personnel, and other information security professionals, to participate in incident handling efforts. It also teaches them how to keep their organizations current on innovations and trends in computer security,” explains the Software Engineering Institute (SEI), a federally funded research and development center sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense and operated by Carnegie Mellon University of whom are the creators of the CERT-Certified Computer Security Incident Handler (CSIH) Certification which incorporates work experience, an examination, and renewal requirements. “For nearly 30 years, the cybersecurity mission (Read more. )